Monday, August 24, 2009

Getting down to "Looming"

Day one of what I like to call weaving, but it was more a dissection, investigation, and placement of little sticky notes all over my loom so I can remember what all the pieces are. I poked, prodded, and moved all the parts and everything seemed to be in working order. I also took inventory of my goodies that came with the purchase, sley hooks, numerous shuttles, bobbin winders, and tons of other things that I cannot identify at the current time. I've been reading Learning to Weave by Deborah Chandler and also the original Leclerc manual, printed in 1971 (lol), for some insight. After reading the instructional passages several times I think I'm prepared to start measuring out yarn on my warping board probably tomorrow. A few hours in the wood shop and (thankfully) plenty of wood scraps saved me about $70. We can save that for some Alpaca yarn! Yeah!

So tomorrow: measure the warp, sley the reeds, and hopefully threading the heddles. I am still slightly confused as to how the treddles attach to the lams and how the warps get tied off in the rear, but perhaps when it is staring me in the face it will make more sense.

I am truly enthusiastic about my endeavor and but slightly nervous, as this is something I've never attempted to do and the stakes are quite high. However, I have faith in a fortune cookie I got recently: You will be successful in anything you put your hands to. And we're off!

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